A Tribute to My Mom on Mother’s Day

A Tribute to My Mom on Mother’s Day
A Tribute to My Mom on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is so special to me because my mom has been such a blessing throughout my life. On May 22, she will be 88 years old. Yes, I have had her for a very long time. But many people don’t realize how very special their mother is until they are gone. Not me. I get it.

She has been my mom, my friend, my confidant, and my partner in crime all rolled into one very special lady. We have had so much fun over the years and shared so many special times that no one else could possibly replicate. She taught me manners and to be kind but not to let anyone walk all over me. She taught me to cook and tried to teach me to sew. (The latter has not been a success, although I still try.) She taught me things I probably don’t even realize she taught me because I’m so intertwined with her. My strength comes from her. When I have had bad things happen, the strength she instilled in me is what gets me through. Failure has never been an option.

So, if you still have your mother, be grateful and visit or call her often — even if you don’t always see eye to eye. I think it’s natural to butt heads once in a while. Like many mothers and daughters, we have at times drawn sparks off each other. It’s probably because over the years we became more alike than we realized. I guess proximity does that.

Many times, I hear my mom’s words coming out of my mouth. Sometimes it’s funny, and sometimes it’s not. One thing I do know, though, is I am grateful I still have my mom. And for whatever time I have left with her, I will treasure. I will do so because when she is no longer with me, the life we’ve shared will turn into sweet memories to sustain me until we meet again.